Time for a trading coach?
Last week I wrote an article on the lack of available analysts within gas and power trading and it’s fair to say I hit a nerve on a very real issue that currently exists. By my own journalistic standards the piece went fairly viral and I have been contacted by a whole host of people from all corners of the globe since. The next couple of weeks are now packed with conversations that will hopefully produce some exciting coaching partnerships and maybe a job offer or two for my clients.
It would be pretty silly of me not to try and capitalise on my new found fame and promote my services as an extremely good trading and career coach. So what do I actually do and why might it benefit you and your trading career?
Trading skills
Trading is undoubtedly a skill and the more you hone your skills, the more P and L you are likely to make. One of the first ports of call on our coaching partnership with be a route and branch evaluation of how good you currently are and then a detailed plan to make you even better.
Improving the team
I love working with individuals, but I also thrive on helping to make trading teams better. I have successfully delivered a whole host of workshops, attended offsites and on sites for a wide variety of companies, both large and small. I look forward to partnering with many more trading organisations and designing bespoke events that help to improve individuals, teams and organisations.
Moving shops
I really dislike buzz words and jargon and the word ‘journey’ makes me want to projectile, but I do have a fantastic network of people across trading who can make things happen. I know people in all types of trading organisations and from across the generations, including the youth of today and even a few dinosaurs who are valiantly battling extinction. As well as the organisations themselves, I have also got an extensive contact list of brokers and recruiters who are always happy to help.
I have devised a brilliant decision making session, incorporating each individuals values and a mathematical approach that can really help you to make sure your next career move is the right move for you (ive seen so many people make wrong moves over the years).
Trading is a fantastic place to be, but it can also be a very stressful environment when things are not going so well. It is unlikely that even the best traders will go through their whole career without having days, weeks, months or even years when things are not going so well and having the right tools and techniques to deal with those periods is key to longevity.
Losing money is very much part of trading and shouldn’t be a taboo subject. We can investigate what, when and how losses have happened and learn any lessons that need to be learned. We can then put measures in place to eradicate or mitigate their impact in the future.
Having someone to talk to who
Trading has definitely changed for the better, but it still remains an environment of ego and comparison and that can be a v lonely place. In most cases your colleagues will care about you, but they have their own positions, problems and lives to manage and probably don’t have the capacity to be a valuable sounding board for you.
Your friends and family will obviously be more supportive, but they won’t fully understand the mechanics and the detail and so their ability to really help is going to be limited.
I offer the best of both worlds, I am position neutral, I genuinely care about all my clients and I also fully understand what a bad day or spell looks and feels like. I am trained to have deep, meaningful and powerful conversations that help my clients really unravel what is going on for them.
I am proud to say that my support isn’t on a once a month basis either. It will remain a constant for all my clients while we work together and is there whenever they need it. Bad days don’t tend to send us calendar invitations and providing flexibility and support on demand is an essential part of what I offer.
Process and trading discipline
Trading well is actually quite a simple game and when you combine your natural talents with a good process and excellent discipline, you will quite literally hit the jackpot.
I will help you define what your winning process is and will offer that all important accountability to make sure you improve and nail your discipline. If you want to keep making the same mistake, you will have an angry coaching partner on your hands.
Life outside of work and building a the right platform for yourself
Without doubt the best traders I know have a stable existence outside and inside of trading. They know their process when they are at work and they have the ability to leave trading at the door when they are not.
This means their life isn’t a constant rollercoaster of highs and lows and helps them to make better choices when important trading or life decisions do need to be made.
We can discuss these important aspects that exist away from the desk and make a plan to help with balance and that all important happiness that we are all striving for.
Why choose me?
I was a v good trader
Look at my results over 15 years, talk to my former colleagues and a lot of my rivals and they will tell you I was good. I had a fantastic gut feel for the gas market, was fearless without being reckless (most of the time) and was a brilliant team player. I look back on my trading career with pride, happiness and a whole host of fond memories.
I am an even better coach
Somewhat ironically with the amount of money involved I was never offered any formal training or mentorship when I started my trading career and nearly all of my generation of traders would say the same thing.
I wanted my next life as a coach to be different and so I headed back to school in 2018 for a total of 4 years and chose the only organisation in the UK where you gain a recognised diploma.
I have since combined my coaching education and my own authentic style and the end result seems to be a pretty impressive one. I have now run over 400 coaching sessions and numerous team events and the vast majority have been a success.
I strive for constant improvement
On a personal and professional basis I strive for constant improvement. I am a great believer that if you are not moving forwards, you are effectively moving backwards and that is definitely true in the fast paced world of commodity trading.
On a daily basis I am trying to improve my own trading, my coaching, my knowledge, my health and my overall life.
At the moment I seem to have hit a very sweet spot that combines all the above really well. I want that pretty special feeling to remain for as long as possible for my own benefit and for that of my clients.
I love trading and I want to help people
I chose coaching as I want to help people and I am also back in love with trading. Combining the two has given me a purpose and a job that I genuinely love.
There is also loads of science associated with helping others and how it is the best way to achieve personal happiness. I am very proud to testify that the scientists are correct for me at least.
I am a winner
I have always wanted to win at whatever I do and that drive and desire will probably never change. I played my dad @ table tennis last week and annoyingly he thrashed me despite being 76 and so I have a fairly good idea where it comes from.
Winning for me now is to deliver the best possible service to all my clients and help them to succeed in their trading career. That in turn drives my business, gives me my own feeling of success and creates a lovely win win for everyone involved.
Call me for a complimentary discovery call
on +44 7818 012109