Joining the Retirement Party

In 2017 and @ just 37 years young, I joined the Commodity Trading retirement party and headed off to see what other delights the world had in store for me.  I missed out on some absolute bumper bonuses, but also had the best years of my life and so I wouldn’t swap those memories for any amount of money.

There is one regret I have though and that is that I rushed my glorious years as a trader away.  I always had a number in my head and when I got to it, I was going to walk away and that would be that.  No more worries, no more problems, everything would just be plane sailing until I died 50 years later!!  

I feel very silly looking back at my particular solution to a problem that didn’t really exist.  How was replacing an exciting, people focussed, all-encompassing career, with a life of nothingness ever going to be a good idea (especially at such a young age)?!?! 

I loved trading, loved the teams I worked in, I had great bosses everywhere I went, loved the social side, loved the footy, loved the money and I wish I could just turn back the clock and have a chance to soak it all up a bit more. 

As it is I rushed it all and lived my trading life on fast forward, a mistake I won’t be making during the second half of my existence!!

The timing of the curtain call however was perfect, as I had just become free and single again and had no real responsibilities to anyone.  I had that rare taste of freedom that we don’t often get in our lives and mid-life crisis crash course was about to get into full swing.  I revelled in it and decided to go travelling, having so much fun, adventure, variety and the best of times with some awesome people.

Most people won’t be afforded the freedom I was, but I would highly recommend to anyone that walks away from trading that they take as long as they need to unwind and give themselves a chance to recharge the batteries.

All good things come to an end and with the spark of travelling and the nomadic lifestyle starting fade, I was beginning to feel quite uneasy at what was to come next.  I kinda fell into coaching, because it fitted with giving something back, but I was far from convinced about it at the outset.  In hindsight I should have done far more research, planned more, possibly picked a different course and absolutely should have listened to various experts who tried to help me (turns out they did know better).

Thankfully it has worked out pretty perfectly in the end and I genuinely love both my jobs, but relying on luck over judgement is not something that I would recommend to any of my clients when facing life changing decisions. 

The idea that there would be no more problems and everything would run smoothly, was also extremely naïve.   Boredom can take over like a tsunami and worries about trading are taken over by incredibly important events such as yoga or spinning and whether I should have my second cup of coffee @ 10am or 11:30. 

It was after a latte prompted panic attack that I applied for the mentoring role with KITE TLC and that brings me nicely onto my next retirement tip.  Doing something that you can see makes a tangible difference to someone that really needs it, is the most rewarding feeling I have enjoyed in my life so far.   I would urge everyone to get a piece of it if you can, as us traders tend to have lots to offer and it would be an awful shame not to put it to good use.   

If you are thinking about joining the “Retirement Club”, don’t take your chances with lady luck, lets team up and make a plan to ensure the next 30, 40 or 50 years are even better than the first.

Call me on +44 7818 012109